Pastors leading Pastors

Over 1/3 of pastors consider quitting each year (Barna, 2021). Get the support, encouragement, wisdom, and resources to fulfill God's call on your life.

Learn with other pastors:
  • ❌ Monthly support sessions
  • ❌ Wisdom from experienced pastors
  • ❌ Recieve objective coaching
  • ❌ Share strategies and burdens
  • ❌ Thrive with training and avoid ministry fatigue
  • ...and more!
Healthy pastors are strengthened by a community of their peers.
UOF pastor cohorts are led by experienced pastors and meet monthly for spiritual support, encouragement, and group learning.
Enjoy a safe place to process stress and build ministry friendships for relational support.

Only $125 w/ Scholarships Available Are You Ready to Get Started?

Supportive Pastoral Cohorts

Learn effective methods to spread the gospel and transform comunities.

  • Help churches thrive through flourishing, healthy teams.

  • Enjoy a safe place to process stress and ministry challenges.

  • Click below to start your journey of support and growth.